At Zing Flowers, we believe that little moments matter and the smallest gesture can make the biggest difference to someone’s day. Here are 5 little ways to make someone's day 👇
1. Ask them about their day 🤔
Technology has made it pretty easy for us to become anonymous when it comes to interacting with people while we’re out and about. Instead of listening to your music or replying to your messages, think about the person opposite you serving coffee, behind the checkout or at the train station. Why not ask them how they’re doing and how their day is going? For someone who is face to face with potentially thousands of people per day, you taking an interest could be a highlight.
2. Send a care package 🎁
Making a little ‘care package’ for a friend or family member is an excellent way to surprise them and make their day. This can be anything from a nice card with a small gift, to a package filled with things they love – think sweets, small accessories, useful mini toiletries etc. It’s pretty much guaranteed to make them smile, especially if they are taken completely by surprise.
3. Smile! 😁
This seems so obvious – but do you always smile at people you make eye contact with in the street? A smile can go a long way and quite often we forget to acknowledge people. Try smiling at everyone you walk past and see how many of them smile back.
4. Give a compliment for something unexpected 😍
Compliments are a great way to brighten someone’s day, especially if you remark on something they’re not expecting. We naturally think of lots of little compliments in our heads but don’t always say them. So next time you like someone’s style or think they’re doing an excellent job at something, why not let them know? It might just make their day.
5. Surprise them with Flowers 💐
Last but definitely not least, flowers are an excellent way to make someone’s day. You could give them a gorgeous bouquet in their favourite colour or, if you’re thinking about a stealthy surprise, send them a delivery of letterbox flowers. We love letterbox flowers for many reasons, including the fact that they’re super convenient and the lucky recipient doesn’t even need to be at home. Why not try our Lovely Letterbox Roses!